Metadata Shard Management


curl -v ""

Manually splits the metadata shard. If the maximum metadata shard inode range of the volume is [begin, end):

  • If start is greater than begin and less than end, the inode range of the original maximum metadata shard becomes [begin, start], and the range of the newly created metadata shard is [start+1,+inf).
  • If start is less than begin, max is the maximum inode number on the current shard, and the inode range becomes [begin, max+16777216], and the range of the newly created metadata shard is [max+16777217,+inf).
  • If start is greater than end, max is the maximum inode number on the current shard, and the inode range becomes [begin, start], and the range of the newly created metadata shard is [start+1, +inf).


A large start value will cause a large inode on a single shard, occupying a large amount of memory. When there are too many inodes on the last shard, automatic splitting of the metadata partition will also be triggered.

Parameter List

namestringVolume name
startuint64Split the metadata shard based on this value


curl -v "" | python -m json.tool

Displays detailed information about the metadata shard, including the shard ID, the starting range of the shard, etc.

Parameter List

iduint64Metadata shard ID

Response Example

    "PartitionID": 1,
    "Start": 0,
    "End": 9223372036854776000,
    "MaxNodeID": 1,
    "VolName": "test",
    "Replicas": {},
    "ReplicaNum": 3,
    "Status": 2,
    "IsRecover": true,
    "Hosts": {},
    "Peers": {},
    "Zones": {},
    "MissNodes": {},
    "LoadResponse": {}

Decommission Replica

curl -v ""

Removes a replica of the metadata shard and creates a new replica.

Parameter List

iduint64Metadata partition ID
addrstringAddress of the replica to be removed

Compare Replica

curl -v ""

Sends a task to compare the replica to each replica, and then checks whether the CRC of each replica is consistent.

Parameter List

iduint64Metadata partition ID
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