
Authnode provides a general authentication & authorization service among CubeFS nodes. Client, Master, Meta and Data node are required to be authenticated and authorized before any resource access in another node.

Initially, each node (Auth, Client, Master, Meta or Data node) is launched with a secure key which is distributed by a authenticated person (for instance, cluster admin). With a valid key, a node can be identified in Authnode service and granted a ticket for resource access.

The overall work flow is: key creation and distribution –> ticket retrieval with key –> resource access with ticket.


  • Key: a bit of secret shared data between a node and Authnode that asserts identity of a client.

  • Ticket: a bit of data that cryptographically asserts identity and authorization (through a list of capabilities) for a service for a period of time.

  • Capability: a capability is defined in the format of node:object:action where node refers to a service node (such as auth, master, meta or data), object refers to the resource and action refers to permitted activities (such as read, write and access). See examples below.

Capability Example

auth:createkey:accessAccess permission for createkey in Authnode
master:*:*Any permissions for any objects in Master node
*:*:*Any permissions for any objects in any nodes

Client Tool

cfs-authtool is a client-side utility of Authnode, providing key managements (creation, view and modification) and ticket retrieval in and from Authnode keystore. In particular, Each key is associated with an entity name or id, secret key string, creation time, role and capability specification.

Key structure

idstringUnique key identifier composed of letters and digits
keystringBase64 encoded secret key
rolestringThe role of the key (either client or service)
capsstringThe capabilities of the key


Use the following commands to build client side tool for Authnode:

$ git clone
$ cd cubefs
$ make build

If successful, the tool cfs-authtool can be found in build/bin.


cfs-authtool ticket -host=AuthNodeAddress [-keyfile=Keyfile] [-output=TicketOutput] [-https=TrueOrFalse -certfile=AuthNodeCertfile] TicketService Service

cfs-authtool api -host=AuthNodeAddress -ticketfile=TicketFile [-data=RequestDataFile] [-output=KeyFile] [-https=TrueOrFalse -certfile=AuthNodeCertfile] Service Request

cfs-authtool authkey [-keylen=KeyLength]

TicketService := [getticket]

Service := [AuthService | MasterService | MetaService | DataService]

Request := [createkey | deletekey | getkey | addcaps | deletecaps | getcaps | addraftnode | removeraftnode]

AuthNode Configurations

Authnode use JSON as configuration file format.


rolestringRole of process and must be set to masterYes
ipstringhost ipYes
portstringHttp port which api service listen onYes
profstringgolang pprof portYes
idstringidenty different master nodeYes
peersstringthe member information of raft groupYes
logDirstringPath for log file storageYes
logLevelstringLevel operation for logging. Default is error.No
retainLogsstringthe number of raft logs will be retain.Yes
walDirstringPath for raft log file storage.Yes
storeDirstringPath for RocksDB file storage,path must be existYes
clusterNamestringThe cluster identifierYes
exporterPortintThe prometheus exporter portNo
authServiceKeystringThe secret key used for authentication of AuthNodeYes
authRootKeystringThe secret key used for key derivation (session and client secret key)Yes
enableHTTPSboolOption whether enable HTTPS protocolNo


  "role": "authnode",
  "ip": "",
  "port": "8080",
  "peers": "1:,2:,3:",
  "logDir": "/export/Logs/authnode",
  "exporterPort": 9510,
  "consulAddr": "http://consul.prometheus-cfs.local",

Steps for Starting CubeFS with AuthNode

Create Authnode key

Run the command:

$ ./cfs-authtool authkey

If successful, two key files can be generated authroot.json and authservice.json under current directory. They represent authServiceKey and authRootKey respectively.

example authservice.json :

     "id": "AuthService",
     "key": "9h/sNq4+5CUAyCnAZM927Y/gubgmSixh5hpsYQzZG20=",
     "create_ts": 1573801212,
     "role": "AuthService",
     "caps": "{\"*\"}"

Edit authnode.json in docker/conf as following:

  • authRootKey: use the value of key in authroot.json

  • authServiceKey: use the value of key in authService.json

example authnode.json :

     "role": "authnode",
     "ip": "",
     "port": "8080",
     "peers": "1:,2:,3:",
     "logDir": "/export/Logs/authnode",
     "exporterPort": 9510,
     "consulAddr": "http://consul.prometheus-cfs.local",

Start Authnode Cluster

In directory docker/authnode, run the following command to start a Authnode cluster.

$ docker-compose up -d

Create admin in Authnode

Get Authnode ticket using authServiceKey:

$ ./cfs-authtool ticket -host= -keyfile=authservice.json -output=ticket_auth.json getticket AuthService

example ticket_auth.json :

    "id": "AuthService",
    "session_key": "A9CSOGEN9CFYhnFnGwSMd4WFDBVbGmRNjaqGOhOinJE=",
    "service_id": "AuthService",
    "ticket": "RDzEiRLX1xjoUyp2TDFviE/eQzXGlPO83siNJ3QguUrtpwiHIA3PLv4edyKzZdKcEb3wikni8UxBoIJRhKzS00+nB7/9CjRToAJdT9Glhr24RyzoN8psBAk82KEDWJhnl+Y785Av3f8CkNpKv+kvNjYVnNKxs7f3x+Ze7glCPlQjyGSxqARyLisoXoXbiE6gXR1KRT44u7ENKcUjWZ2ZqKEBML9U4h0o58d3IWT+n4atWKtfaIdp6zBIqnInq0iUueRzrRlFEhzyrvi0vErw+iU8w3oPXgTi+um/PpUyto20c1NQ3XbnkWZb/1ccx4U0"

Create admin using Authnode ticket:

$ ./cfs-authtool api -host= -ticketfile=ticket_auth.json -data=data_admin.json -output=key_admin.json AuthService createkey

example data_admin.json :

    "id": "admin",
    "role": "service",
    "caps": "{\"API\":[\"*:*:*\"]}"

Create key for CubeFS cluster

  • Get Authnode ticket using admin key:
$ ./cfs-authtool ticket -host= -keyfile=key_admin.json -output=ticket_admin.json getticket AuthService
  • Create key for Master
$ ./cfs-authtool api -host= -ticketfile=ticket_admin.json -data=data_master.json -output=key_master.json AuthService createkey

example data_master.json :

    "id": "MasterService",
    "role": "service",
    "caps": "{\"API\":[\"*:*:*\"]}"


idwill set Client ID
rolewill set the role of id
capswill set the capabilities of id

Edit master.json as following:

  • masterServiceKey: use the value of key in key_master.json

Create key for Client

$ ./cfs-authtool api -host= -ticketfile=ticket_admin.json -data=data_client.json -output=key_client.json AuthService createkey

example data_client.json:

    "id": "ltptest",
    "role": "client",
    "caps": "{\"API\":[\"*:*:*\"], \"Vol\":[\"*:*:*\"]}"

Edit client.json as following:

  • clientKey: use the value of key in key_client.json

example client.json

    "masterAddr": ",,",
    "mountPoint": "/cfs/mnt",
    "volName": "ltptest",
    "owner": "ltptest",
    "logDir": "/cfs/log",
    "logLevel": "info",
    "consulAddr": "",
    "exporterPort": 9500,
    "profPort": "17410",
    "authenticate": true,
    "ticketHost": ",,",
    "clientKey": "jgBGSNQp6mLbu7snU8wKIdEkytzl+pO5/OZOJPpIgH4=",
    "enableHTTPS": "false"


authenticatewill enable authentication flow if set true
ticketHostwill set the IP/URL of Authnode cluster
clientKeywill set the key generated by Authnode
enableHTTPSwill enable HTTPS if set true

Start CubeFS cluster

Run the following to launch CubeFS cluster with AuthNode enabled:

$ docker/ -r -d /data/disk

Generate Certificate

To prevent MITM (Man In The Middle) attacks, HTTPS is required for the communication between client and service. The following steps show the generation of self-sign a certificate with a private (.key) and public key.

Generating Key and Self Signed Cert:

$ openssl req \
  -x509 \
  -nodes \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -keyout server.key \
  -out server.crt \
  -days 3650 \
  -subj "/C=GB/ST=China/L=Beijing/*"


  • server.crt: AuthNode public certificate needed to be sent to Client

  • server.key: AuthNode private key needed to be securely placed in /app folder in Authnode

For easy deployment, current implementation of AuthNode uses TLS option insecure_skip_verify and tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert, which would skip secure verification of both client and server. For environment with high security command, these options should be turned off.

Master API Authentication

Master has numerous APIs, such as creating and deleting volumes, so it is necessary to authenticate access to the master API to improve cluster security.

With the excellent authentication capability of authnode, we have optimized the existing authentication mechanism to achieve the goal of simplifying the authentication process.

Enable Master API Authentication

example master.json

  "role": "master",
  "ip": "",
  "listen": "17010",
  "peers": "1:,2:,3:",
  "logDir": "/cfs/master/log",
  "consulAddr": "http://consul.prometheus-cfs.local",
  "metaNodeReservedMem": "1073741824",
  "masterServiceKey": "jgBGSNQp6mLbu7snU8wKIdEkytzl+pO5/OZOJPpIgH4=",
  "authenticate": true,
  "authNodeHost": ",,",
  "authNodeEnableHTTPS": false


authenticatewill enable Master API Authentication if set true
authNodeHostwill set the IP/URL of Authnode cluster
authNodeEnableHTTPSwill enable HTTPS if set true

Use Authentication Parameter

When accessing the Master API, the parameter clientIDKey for authentication must be included.

When using authtool to create a key, auth_id_key is generated. This key will be used as the clientIDKey when accessing the master API.

First Example

Access the master API via HTTP and write the parameter clientIDKey, such as expanding a volume:

curl --location ''

Second Example

Access the master API via cfs-cli and write the clientIDKey to configuration file .cfs-cli.json, so that any cluster management command is authenticated for permissions.

example .cfs-cli.json

  "masterAddr": [
  "timeout": 60,
  "clientIDKey": "eyJpZCI6Imx0cHRlc3QiLCJhdXRoX2tleSI6ImpnQkdTTlFwNm1MYnU3c25VOHdLSWRFa3l0emwrcE81L09aT0pQcElnSDQ9In0="

Third Example

When datanode and metanode are started, they will respectively call the AddDataNode and AddMetaNode APIs, so it is also necessary to prepare serviceIDKey for them.

Similarly, use authtool to create keys for datanode and metanode respectively, and write the key as the serviceIDKey to the configuration file. When they start, permission authentication will be performed.

Create Key For datanode

$ ./cfs-authtool api -host= -ticketfile=ticket_admin.json -data=data_datanode.json -output=key_datanode.json AuthService createkey

example data_datanode

    "id": "DatanodeService",
    "role": "service",
    "caps": "{\"API\":[\"*:*:*\"]}"

Edit datanode.json as following:

  • serviceIDKey: use the value of auth_id_key in key_datanode.json

Create Key For metanode

$ ./cfs-authtool api -host= -ticketfile=ticket_admin.json -data=data_metanode.json -output=key_metanode.json AuthService createkey

example data_metanode

    "id": "MetanodeService",
    "role": "service",
    "caps": "{\"API\":[\"*:*:*\"]}"

Edit metanode.json as following:

  • serviceIDKey: use the value of auth_id_key in key_metanode.json
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