Question 1

Description: When using the object storage interface to create a bucket, it prompts "Access Denied." How should the permissions for the account be set? The account used is testuser. The exception log in the Java program is Access Denied.

Answer: This issue likely requires creating a volume first, as the bucket is essentially a volume. When using the object storage interface to create a bucket, Cubefs creates the corresponding volume in the background, which might get stuck. It is suggested to create the volume first using cfs-cli.

Question 2

Description: The hard drive is faulty, and the replica cannot be taken offline normally. How should this orphaned data partition be repaired?

Answer: You can force the deletion of the replica and then add a new replica.

curl -v ""
curl -v ""

Question 3

Description: If there is only one object in a bucket, test1/path2/obj.jpg, it should be deleted along with test1/path2 after normal deletion. However, Cubefs only deletes the obj.jpg file and does not automatically delete the test1 and path2 directories.

Answer: This is essentially because ObjectNode is based on fuse to virtually create S3 keys, and MetaNode itself does not have corresponding semantics. If deletion is to recursively delete upper-level empty directories, the judgment logic would become complex and there would also be concurrency issues. Users can mount the client and write a script to periodically recursively query and clean up empty directories. Using a depth-first search algorithm can solve the problem of searching for empty directories.

Question 4

Description: Two DataNode3 nodes are faulty. Is there any way to save them?

Answer: Yes, it can be saved. First, back up the faulty dp replica, then force delete the faulty replica, and finally add two good DataNodes.

curl -v ""
curl -v ""

Question 5

Description: A directory was mistakenly deleted, and one MetaNode reports a lost partition. How should this be handled? Can data be copied from other nodes?

Answer: The node can be taken offline and then restarted. This will trigger the migration of the meta partition to other nodes, and the copy can be completed automatically through migration.

Question 6

Description: The default data partition method of the client cfs-client tends to increase the load on machines that are already heavily loaded, especially those that were expanded first, leading to disk usage above 90%. This causes high IO wait on some machines. The higher the machine’s capacity, the more likely it is to experience client concurrent access, leading to disk IO throughput not matching requests, forming local hotspots. Is there any way to handle this issue?

Answer: Choose to store on nodes with more available space:

curl -v ""

Or set the DataNode to read-only mode to prevent the hot node from continuing to write:

curl -v "masterip:17010/admin/setNodeRdOnly?addr=datanodeip:17310&nodeType=2&rdOnly=true"

Question 7

Description: After upgrading to 3.4, the number of MetaNode meta partitions gradually increases, and the mp quantity limit must be increased accordingly. It seems to become insufficient over time.

Answer: Adjust the inode number interval of the large meta partition to 100 million, so it is less likely to create new meta partitions.

curl -v ""

Question 8

Description: What is the process for the disk damage and offline process of Blobstore? After setting Blobstore to a faulty disk, the disk status remains in repaired and never goes offline. When calling the offline API actively, it shows that the disk status needs to be normal and read-only to go offline. Does this mean only normal disks can be taken offline? How should faulty disks be handled? For example, if disk3 is faulty and a new disk is replaced, after setting it to faulty and restarting, disk3 gets a new disk ID, but the old disk ID of disk3 still exists. How do you delete the old disk ID?

Answer: The record of the old disk will always exist for traceability of disk replacement. In other words, we do not delete the old disk ID.

Question 9

Description: How does Cubefs support large file scenarios, such as large model files in the tens of gigabytes?

Answer: There is no problem, it can be supported.

Question 10

Description: After forcefully deleting an abnormal replica, the remaining replicas did not automatically become leaders, resulting in the inability to add new replicas. The cfs-cli datapartition check command returns that this dp is in a no leader state. How should this abnormal replica be handled?

Answer: Check the raft logs to query the election information of this partition to see if there are nodes outside the replica group requesting votes. If so, it needs to be forcibly removed from the replica group.

curl -v ""

Question 11

Description: Is it possible not to deploy the BlobStore system? If deployed, will there be an automatic error correction function if part of the data for an image file is lost when accessing it via the S3 interface?

Answer: If not deployed, the system will use the 3-replica mode. If deployed, it will use the EC (Erasure Coding) mode. For disk failures, both the 3-replica and EC modes have repair capabilities. The difference is that the 3-replica mode uses a good replica for repair, while the EC mode splits data based on erasure coding technology and uses this technology to repair the data.

Question 12

Description: Is there a commercial version of CubeFS?

Answer:CubeFS is an open-source project and does not have a commercial version.

Question 13

Description: How to solve the following error message encountered in docker deployment: docker pull cubefs/cbfs-base:1.1-golang-1.17.13 Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Answer: You can use an accelerated mirror

Question 14

Description: How can I view the information of the volumes created by CubeFS?

Answer: You can use the cfs-cli tool to view it. The command is ./cfs-cli volume info volName.

Question 15

Description: What is the function of lcnode? What does "lc" stand for?

Answer: "lc" stands for Life Cycle, which refers to the lifecycle component. It is used for executing periodic tasks at the system level

Question 16

Description: What does "mediaType" mean and how should it be configured?

Answer: This refers to the type of storage medium. For example, SSD is 1, HDD is 2. It is a new feature for hybrid cloud added in version 3.5. After upgrading to version 3.5, this must be configured. The configuration method is as follows:

  • Add in the master configuration file: "legacyDataMediaType": 1
  • Add in the datanode configuration file: "mediaType": 1
  • Run in the terminal: ./cfs-cli cluster set dataMediaType=1

Question 17

Description: Is there any performance data for CubeFS?

Answer: Yes, it is available on the official website documentation: https://cubefs.io/zh/docs/master/evaluation/tiny.html.

Question 18

Description: In production environment, does CubeFS generally use replica mode or EC mode?

Answer: Both are used. EC mode is chosen for cost considerations, while replica mode is chosen for performance considerations.

Question 19

Description: What is the endpoint in object storage corresponding to the address of CubeFS? What corresponds to the bucket name?

Answer: The endpoint defaults to the address and port 17410 of the objectnode, such as "". The volume in CubeFS corresponds to the bucket in S3.

Question 20

Description: How should the region in object storage be filled out?

Answer: You can fill in the cluster name, such as "cfs_dev"

Question 21

Description: Does CubeFS support mounting multiple volumes at the same time?

Answer: CubeFS does not support a single client process mounting multiple volumes. However, it does support running multiple clients on the same machine, with each client mounting its own volume. In this way, multiple volumes (including duplicate volumes) can be mounted.

Question 22

Description: What are the default username and password for the GUI platform?

Answer: After the GUI backend is deployed, an initial account with the highest privileges will be generated: admin/Admin@1234. The password must be changed upon the first login. For more details, see https://cubefs.io/zh/docs/master/user-guide/gui.html.

Question 23

Description: Can the master, meta, data, and object nodes in the container each be started on just one machine?

Answer: The objectnode is stateless and can be started on just one machine. The others need to form a Raft group and require multiple machines to be started.

Question 24

Description: How to query the Raft status related to different components?

Answer: You can use commands to query the Raft status. Only the leader will display information about the group members, while others will show their own information.

curl  # For datanode
curl "" | python -m json.tool  # For master
curl  # For metanode

Question 25

Description: When using the command cfs-cli user create, an error message is displayed, indicating invalid access key. How can I solve this problem?

Answer: Generally, there is a problem with the length of the AK/SK entered. The length of AK is 16 characters, and the length of SK is 32 characters. If you are not sure, you can remove the AK/SK setting. The system will generate an AK/SK for each account by default.

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