Intelligent Tiering


From v3.5.0, CubeFS supports multiple storage media per volume and automatic data migration from SSD to HDD.

CubeFS now includes a lifecycle management feature that intelligently migrates data that is infrequently accessed (based on Atime) from SSD to HDD. This process helps reduce overall storage costs by optimizing the use of different storage media.

Depoly Different Datanode Zone

First, ensure that the cluster internally deploys datanodes equipped with various storage media types, such as SSD and HDD.

    "zoneName": "az1-hdd",
    "mediaType": 2

Add the mediaType configuration (1 for SSD, 2 for HDD) to the datanode's config file and ensure that datanodes with different media types are placed in separate zones.

# zones in the cluster
./cfs-cli zone list
ZONE        STATUS    
default     available 
hdd1        available 
hdd3        available
# zone detail
./cfs-cli zone info
Zone Name:        default
Status:           available
DataMediaType:    SSD

Support Tiering For Volume


  • create volume with multiple meida type (SSD and HDD).
    • 1 ssd, 2 hdd
./cfs-cli vol create test root --allowedStorageClass="1,2" --crossZone=true

./cfs-cli vol info test
    VolStorageClass                 : ReplicaSSD
    AllowedStorageClass             : [ReplicaSSD ReplicaHDD]
  • Or update existing volumes to support multiple media types.
    • zone-name: default means default zone name, hdd1 means hdd zone name.
# zone name should include hdd and ssd zones.
./cfs-cli vol update test2 --zone-name="default,hdd1" --cross-zone=true
# add HDD(2) storage class for vol
./cfs-cli vol addAllowedStorageClass test2 2
  • Subsequently, we can verify that the volume includes two types of data partitions: SSD and HDD.
  VolStorageClass                 : ReplicaSSD
  AllowedStorageClass             : [ReplicaSSD ReplicaHDD]
  QuotaOfClass(ReplicaSSD)       : no limit(0)

Data partitions:
ID          REPLICAS    STATUS        ISRECOVER      MEDIA          LEADER                MEMBERS           
61          3           ReadWrite     false          SSD  ,,
62          3           ReadWrite     false          HDD  ,,
63          3           ReadWrite     false          HDD  ,,

Configure Migration Rules

CubeFS implements intelligent data migration from SSD replicas to HDD based on access time (atime) using its lifecycle component. To utilize this functionality, you must first enable the inode atime persistence feature on the volume. Subsequently, configure the lifecycle rules to carry out the automatic migration task on a daily basis.

Support Atime Persistence

For performance reasons, the atime of inodes is typically not persisted via Raft under normal circumstances. However, because atime is used to determine whether data should be migrated, it is essential to persist and synchronize the atime in this scenario.

# enable persist atime
./cfs-cli vol update test --enablePersistAccessTime=true

Configure Lifecycle Rules

  • example:
    "VolName": "test",
    "Rules": [
            "ID": "a1",
            "Status": "Enabled",
            "Filter": {
                "Prefix": "dir1"
            "Transition": [
                    "Date": "2024-08-31T00:00:00Z",
                    "StorageClass": "HDD"
            "ID": "a2",
            "Status": "Disabled",
            "Filter": {
                "Prefix": "dir2"
            "Transition": [
                    "Days": 60,
                    "StorageClass": "HDD"
  • configration rule description
VolNamestringtarget vol name
Rulesarraysupport multi rules for one vol
Rules.IDstringuniq id for one rule
Rules.StatusstringEnabled|Disabled, whether start rules
Rules.Filter.Prefixstringvalid path for rule, "" means the whole volume
Rules.Transitionobjectconfig transition rules
Transition.Datetimeif file atime is before Date, transition will exec
Transition.Daysintwhen interval between atime and now is over days, transition will exec
Transition.StorageClassstringtransition file to the class, only support HDD at now
  • add rules to cluster
    • f1.json is the file which contains lifecycle rule above.
curl -d@f1.json
  • query rules detail info
    • there are lc rules, lcnode info, lc task details here.
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "LcConfigurations": {
            "ltptest": {
                "Rules": [
                        "Filter": {

                        "ID": "a2",
                        "Status": "Enabled",
                        "Transition": [
                                "Date": "2024-08-31T00:00:00Z",
                                "StorageClass": "HDD"
                "VolName": "ltptest"
        "LcNodeStatus": {
            "WorkingCount": {
                "": 0,
                "": 0,
                "": 0
        "LcRuleTaskStatus": {
            "EndTime": "2025-01-23T14:50:48.453526677+08:00",
            "Results": {

            "StartTime": "2025-01-23T14:49:48.453084153+08:00",
            "ToBeScanned": {

    "msg": "success"

Lifecycle Rules Operation

# start rule tasks in the cluster at once.
# everyexecute once at 1 AM by default.
curl ""
# start rule tasks for the vol
curl "$VolName"
# stop 
curl "$VolName&ruleid=$ruleId"

You can verify whether the migration was successful by checking the volume details and the distribution of data across the tiers.

/cfs/bin/cfs-cli vol info ltptest -s
# ...
Usage by storage class:
ReplicaSSD      6               84.156MB        no limit(0) 

# verify inode storage class by 
/cfs/bin/cfs-cli volume getInodeById ltptest 8388610

Monitor Label


Information on the usage of different media for the volume

  • media: ReplicaSSD, ReplicaHDD, BlobStore
  • type: total, used
  • media: HDD, SSD
  • type:
    • total: total space of media in cluster
    • used: used space of target media
    • totalCnt: count of datanodes
    • notWritable: count of not writable datanodes
    • allocCnt: count of datanodes which can alloc dps
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